A Storm is Coming! Be sure to…
Here we go again! A major storm is headed up the east coast. Tips to keep you and your home safer:
What is Hard Money?
Simple: short term loan, secured by your property. Here’s why you should choose to use hard money:
6 Strategies for Funding Investment Properties
If you invest in real estate, you no doubt wonder where to find funding. Here are a few of the money sources we used starting out:
14 Things Property Management Companies Should Do For You
Do you need a property management company and what do they do? Here are 14 things they should do for you:
Buying Real Estate with Leverage Rather than Cash – Why Would You?
Why do you prefer to purchase rental properties with leverage rather than buying them straight out with cash? I give my answers here.
What Tenants Need to Understand
If you’re a landlord, you have an immediate problem – tenants think you’re rich.
For most landlords, nothing could be further from the truth, but why would tenants know that?
Hard Money Lenders – What Are the Differences?
The cost of hard money varies and some have bad experiences. Why?