Reverse Mortgage – Good Thing or Bad?
A reverse mortgage provides income for people to tap into for their retirement. Is that good?
North Carolina #5 on Forbes list of “Best Places for Business”
One of the original 13 colonies is still one of the best places to live in the United States.
Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act
Can you claim a loss on your tax return if you lost money on the foreclosure of your home?
Raising Your Credit Score after a Short Sale
How does a short sale affect your credit report and is there anything you can do about it?
Can the Government save the Housing Market?
The federal government is beginning to cut back on its support for the private sector. Is it too soon?
Green tips – Water Conservation
About 75% of the earth is covered by water but less than 1% is available for us to use. Every drop counts!
Tax Credit or Tax Deduction – Which is Better?
What is the difference between a tax credit and a tax deduction?