Last night, about 6pm, we discovered a fire in our office building. Those of us who were left in the building gathered our things and fled as 9-1-1 was called.
About three minutes later, we heard the sirens and over the next few minutes, 10 firetrucks were there in response. It took them very little time to put out the fire, open windows and get the fans blowing, and check that the building was secure.
The amazing thing was (well, one of the amazing things) that we all grabbed our things and ran out, but the firemen put on their gear and ran in.
We live in the greatest country in the world. Whenever there’s an emergency, we simply dial three numbers, 9-1-1, and a team of responders shows up to assist.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to the Greensboro Fire Department for not hesitating to do what was needed to save the day. The building and all the businesses that work there experienced only a hiccup because of the systems our country has in place.
Something else I will never take for granted.