Category: Real Estate Investing
How to Start Real Estate Investing
Hopefully, you have a really strong reason for getting into investing because it’s going to take: time, money, effort.
Buyer’s Market versus Seller’s Market
What’s the difference between a buyer’s and a seller’s market? This short video explains. Enjoy!
Buying Real Estate Without Going to the Bank
Here are many exceptions to going to the banks for financing investment properties:
Are We in a Housing Bubble and How Do You Protect Yourself?
Here are some ways to protect yourself against a potential drop in housing prices.
Karen’s Perspective Has Gone Crazy!
Thank you for being patient as this site is updated. Here’s what’s going on:
Wholesaling Real Estate – What is it?
As an investor, you’ve either wholesaled properties or heard of others doing it. So, what exactly is “wholesaling”?
A Storm is Coming! Be sure to…
Here we go again! A major storm is headed up the east coast. Tips to keep you and your home safer: