Category: Goal Setting
Hope is NOT a Strategy
You can do something basic or you can dig deeper; but you must have a plan! Hope, my friends, is NOT a strategy.
Why You MUST Write Down Your Goals
There are four reasons why people don’t set goals and reach their highest potential:
Why Being Broke Can Be Good for Your Investing Business
The best investors operate “as if” they’re broke even when they no longer are. But why?
Goals – Have You Written Yours Down?
Have you charted a path for yourself? You’re moving everyday anyway, so why not choose a direction? Here’s how:
Focus on Results Rather than To-Dos
How to transform your busyness into action steps that actually move you toward an intentional, fulfilling goal:
Are You Able to Focus?
Are you busy, or are you accomplishing? There’s a big difference between movement and achievement.